<aside> 🐧 echo (arguments) β†’ Print the given arguments.


<aside> 🐧 pwd β†’ shows where you currently are.


<aside> 🐧 ls β†’ List all the present directories.


<aside> 🐧 ls -a β†’ List all the directories including hidden files.


<aside> 🐧 ls -l β†’ List all the directories with their descriptions.


<aside> 🐧 ls -la β†’ List all the directories with their description including hidden files.


<aside> 🐧 cd (directory name) β†’ Change the directories.


<aside> 🐧 cd .. β†’ Going back to the parent directories.


<aside> 🐧 cd - β†’ Going back to the root directories.


<aside> 🐧 mkdir (directory name) β†’ For creating new directories.


<aside> 🐧 mkdir -p (directory name / Sub-directory name) β†’ For making a sub-directory into the new directory.


<aside> 🐧 touch (file name) β†’ For creating a new file.


<aside> 🐧 file (file name) β†’ To check whether the content is available or not in that file.


<aside> 🐧 gedit (file name) β†’ To edit a file.


<aside> 🐧 cat (file name) β†’ Show the content available on that file.


<aside> 🐧 ctrl + r β†’ For doing a reverse search.


<aside> 🐧 cp (from file_name) (to file_name) β†’ Copy one file to another file.


<aside> 🐧 mv (from file_name) (to file_name) β†’ Move one file to another file.


<aside> 🐧 rm (file name) β†’ To remove a file.
